“YOE” – Emmanuel’s ministry with the youth is active, important and fun.
Trips – YOE takes several trips during the year, and tries to balance these between fun and seriousness. In recent years, they have been to Nightwatch at St. John the Divine in New York three times (one trip for the Jr. High age group), Williamsburg, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington (Acolyte Festival), and Cleveland (the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame). YOE also goes snow tubing at the Wisp every winter.
Class – YOE members meet every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM for their class. Topics this year have included the “Good Sex” Curriculum, A Purpose Driven Life and topics in Church History.
Leadership – YOE members serve the Parish as Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes and as members of the Vestry. They also represent the Emmanuel Parish at Diocesan events, participate in Province III activities and National Church events.
Charities – Out of the funds from the Haunted Tunnels and other fundraisers, YOE annually gives major contributions to cancer research and the Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore and to local charities, and with the Western Maryland Youth has supported the capital fund drive for Claggett, our Diocesan conference center.
Birds and Logs – Wanna flocka friends? YOE will happily deliver a host of pink plastic flamingos to the lawn of your choice (for a price). Thinking ahead to winter? YOE will deliver a truckload of firewood to your door (also for a price).
In the Region, the Diocese and beyond – YOE members partner with the Western Maryland Youth for fundraising, trips and other activities, meeting together for Youth-Style worship about once a month. They have an active roll in the Diocesan youth ministry, having been represented at the 2004 Youth Caucus, the 2005 Convention, Summer Camps at Claggett every year. Several take part in the Province III youth work. They will be part of the 2005 Episcopal Youth Event in Kentucky, and have been and will be present at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church.